String Quartet No.2
by Brian T. Field (USA)

Note on work
Each of the four movements of String Quartet II focuses on a particular affect, that is expanded and developed.
In the first movement, the focus is on a honky-tonk/jazzy theme in a straight-forward 2/4 time that is subsequently manipulated through syncopation and changing meters.
The second movement begins with a pizzicato “spark,” that flickers and quickly spreads, growing more complicated. The rhythmic motif builds to a climax which eventually becomes more controlled, and finally fades.
The third movement is a brief, subdued and more sentimental piece that becomes rhapsodic before returning to its inward opening style.
The finale—a bit of a companion to the second movement with its pizzicato opening—features a fast-moving, dancing triple and duple rhythm across the strings. It begins very playfully, becomes hushed towards the middle, and finally concludes is a roaring, raucous fashion.
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