Program Notes
I think I find it easier than others to follow rules. In my composing, I set my own rules, so I’m free to do whatever I please in a least one aspect of my life. So when COVID-19 forced shutdowns and stay-at-home orders, I complied. I spent most of the spring and summer of 2020 on my deck overlooking my backyard. I discovered that all the inspiration I needed for this piece was right in front of me and always had been. I counted the steps of robins as they searched for worms, and observed the acceleration of bunny hops and scampering critters as the winds picked up. I listened to the songs of common backyard birds – cardinals, robins, chickadees, Canadian geese and others – and jotted down the melodic twists and turns I imagined as willow tree branches danced in the breeze. And all I observed kept me calm and inspired and made its way into this piece in meaningful ways. Though this piece has several distinct sections, it should be played without pauses.
– Paul Dice 2020
This work has been selected for the Sydney International Composers Concerts 2023 – Contemporary Orchestral Music I concert on July 7, 2023, 7:30 PM. at TLC Theatre, Sydney Australia